Body Composition Analysis

Good health begins within — InBody leverages class-leading BIA technology to deliver non-invasive, accurate, and precise body composition scans tailored to each unique person.

Know The Facts

Muscle-Fat Analysis

Compare the bar lengths of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat Mass. The longer the Skeletal Muscle Mass bar is compared to the Body Fat Mass bar, the stronger the body is. Skeletal Muscle Mass is the amount of muscle attached to the bones. Body Fat Mass is the sum of subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, and fat surrounding muscles. Subcutaneous fat is found beneath the skin, while visceral fat is found surrounding internal organs in the abdomen.

Obesity Analysis

Body Mass Index is an index used to determine obesity by using height and weight.
* BMI = Weight/Height²

Percent Body Fat (PBF) is the percentage of body fat compared to body weight.
* PBF=Fat/Weight x 100


Segmental Lean Analysis

Evaluates whether the muscles are adequately developed in the body. The top bar shows the comparison of muscle mass to ideal weight while the bottom bar shows that to the current weight.

Body Water Analysis

ECW/TBW, the ratio of Extracellular Water to Total Body Water, is an important indicator whether the body water is balanced.

Body Composition History

Track the history of body compositional changes. Take the InBody Test periodically to monitor your progress. Continuously measuring under the same ID allows the InBody to save each test for future comparison. The Body Composition History allows an individual to track the changes in body composition over their most recent eight results (if selecting ‘Recent’) or a cumulative graph that shows the progress from the first test results to the most recent results (if selecting ‘Total’).
