Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

We offer customized treatments for Men’s E.D. Troches as low as $3.20/troche or $.80/sub-square.

Referred to as “impotence” in the past, Erectile Dysfunction or ED simply means that you are unable to achieve an erection or unable to maintain an erection long enough to enjoy satisfying sexual intercourse. Obviously, this is a deeply personal matter and Total Med Solutions understands and respects this fact.

That’s why we offer discreet and confidential evaluations and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in a comfortable, caring and understanding environment.

Get Your Life Back

At Total Med Solutions, ED is treated in a very private, discreet, and confidential way. We have the utmost respect for your privacy and feelings so you can be assured of a professional, understanding and caring environment.

As with any medical condition, we start with a thorough evaluation that includes detailed lab work, a physical exam and a conversation regarding your symptoms. Our licensed medical staff then explains the treatment options available to you.

Testosterone Therapy or HRT is used to treat men diagnosed with a condition known as Andropause. Andropause is similar to menopause in women and is caused by low levels of Testosterone. In this case, bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is used to bring your Testosterone back up to normal levels. When you address the root cause, your body knows how to do the rest! The number one reason most men do not seek treatment for ED is fear of embarrassment. We are medical professionals, we deal with this every day. There is no need to feel shy or embarrassed. Stop by and let us show you what the latest advances in medical technology can do for you – you’ll be glad that you did!

Prescription Pills & Lozenges

This is by far the most prescribed method of treatment. Total Med Solutions can provide prescriptions for all mainstream ED brand pills. Pills can be highly effective in treating erectile dysfunction, and many men prefer the simple method of taking pills daily to get results. We also create custom solutions for patients, based on your needs and health conditions.


Tri-Mix is a combination of FDA-approved vasodilators which are applied into the spongy tissue of the penis, using an auto-applicator. This medication causes the penile arteries and tissues to expand causing increased blood flow to the penis and the “results” typically appear within a few minutes. A common comment is, “Wow, I haven’t had an erection like this since I was 16 years old!” The erection feels perfectly normal, most would say “fantastic” but it will not subside after ejaculation. The medication lasts for about 90 minutes and that’s when the erection will typically subside. And just so you know, the auto-applicator, also referred to as a “clicker,” is a medical device which injects the medication quickly and painlessly. One click and you’re on your way! It really is that simple.

Check Out Our E.D. Special Offers

Generic Viagra, Cialis or Levitra
Buy 10 Troches
Get 2 Troches Free

$99 (Save $100)

Generic Viagra, Cialis or Levitra
Buy 30 Troches
Get 5 Troches Free

$199 (Save $200)

*Price includes any consultation fees and shipping (we ship directly to your address and because we are a Texas licensed medical facility, you don’t have to have any concerns about us selling your information to third-party services).

**No Clinic Visit Necessary. Click the button below to take our online questionnaire and we will ship the medication directly to your door.

Information and Statistics About Erectile Dysfunction

  • 52% of men between 40 and 70 have some degree of erectile dysfunction
  • 10% of all men are not able to achieve an erection at all
  • ED is caused by physical factors in 90% of the cases.
  • Emotional or psychological factors account for only 10% of ED cases.
  • There is clear evidence that the occurrence of ED increases with age.
  • 39% of 40-year-old men are affected by ED.
  • 67% of 70-year-old men are affected by ED.

Common Symptoms of ED

  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection one in four times of attempting sexual intercourse.
  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, a condition that persists for more than 30 days.
  • Taking longer than usual to achieve an erection.
  • Difficulty achieving an erection in certain positions.
  • Erections that become weaker or less rigid.
  • Having to make a conscious effort to maintain an erection.
  • Morning erections becoming less frequent or less rigid.
  • Climaxing or ejaculating more rapidly or prematurely.
  • Climaxing or ejaculating with an incomplete erection.