Jessner Chemical Peels

A Jessner Peel is a popular medium-depth chemical peel that works to improve skin health by helping remove and heal skin damage that is more extensive than regular “wear and tear.” This skin care treatment is stronger than most superficial chemical peels. When the treated skin has all peeled away, you will be left with a more refreshed and glowing skin. The Jessner peel consists of three main ingredients: lactic acid (assists in the exfoliation of the skin,) salicylic acid (aids in penetration,) and resorcinol (assists in the treatment of acne.)

How A Jessner Peel Works

A Jessner peel is comprised of three primary ingredients. These ingredients work together to exfoliate the outer layers of skin by breaking up dead skin cells. This treatment encourages the natural peeling to start several days after the chemical treatment. In the office, your skin is thoroughly cleansed and then the peel chemicals are applied. As a general rule, 2-5 coats are applied for the best possible results. Typically, a lightweight moisturizer or a calming mask is applied to the skin at the end of the treatment and you can go about the rest of your day.

If necessary, the Jessner peel can be repeated every four weeks until the desired results are achieved; however, for most patients, only one treatment is required.

What to Expect From Your Jessner Peel

First, you will experience dry, tight skin with slight redness. Your skin may also be overly sensitive. It will peel for about a week after the treatment and you can expect your skin to turn from a pink shade to a shade of brown. This skin care treatment is stronger than most superficial chemical peels. When the treated skin has all peeled away, you will be left with a more refreshed and glowing skin.

Keep in mind that the deeper the Jessner peel penetrates your skin, the longer the recovery time will be, and the more you become at risk of experiencing potential side effects.

Who Cannot Undergo the Jessner Peel Treatment?

There are several conditions that are considered to be contra-indicators for anyone considering a Jessner peel:

  • Active cold sores, sunburn, or severe asthma
  • Lupus
  • Eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic skin disorders and dermatitis conditions