Junk food cravings and emotional eating can derail just about any diet program. If you are struggling with weight loss but find that you continually gravitate toward unhealthy foods or have a strong desire to eat when you really don’t need to, Total Med Solutions can help.
We offer highly effective, FDA-approved prescription medications that can suppress your appetite, increase your metabolism, and burn fat without hunger pangs, fatigue, or constant cravings.
Why Our Weight Loss Program Works
Prescription appetite suppressants are a safe and effective solution to curb your cravings while you shed those excess pounds. Because you feel satisfied between meals, you don’t reach for snacks or have a hankering for the drive-through, making it easier to lose weight fast. You simply eat smaller, healthier portions of the foods you have always enjoyed. Depending on the results of your initial lab work, your medical practitioner will recommend one or several solutions, including prescription weight loss treatments, to help you meet your weight loss goals.*
A New Slimmer You
If you have tried prescription weight loss treatments before without success, let us help you reach your weight loss goal and achieve the beautiful, slender body you desire.
* Disclaimer: No prescription or prescription weight loss treatment will be provided unless a clinical need exists based on required examinations, testing, lab work, medical consultation and current medical history, either through patient’s personal physician or Total Med Solutions’ medical staff or medical associates. Agreeing to lab work does not automatically qualify patient to clinical necessity and a prescription