Rosy Jacob MSN, RN, APRN, FNP-C Nurse Practitioner
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Acacia Chouteau RN, BSN Nurse Injector
Lan Nhi Nguyen BSN, RN Nurse Injector
Thu Dalrymple BSN, RN Nurse Injector
Jennifer Ingersoll LE, LSO, SLT Aesthetician
Katherine Bowser MSN,RN,APRN,FNPC Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Injector
Clarisa Oliveira LE, PLT Aesthetician
Melanie Quinn PA-C Physician Assistant
Ashley Christensen MSN,RN,APRN,FNP-C Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Injector
Lauren Bowden BSN, RN, CANS Nurse Injector
Ashlee Jones BSN, RN Cosmetic Injector
Cecilia Kwong-Murphy MSN, APRN, FNP-C Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Injector
Judy Hubbard BSN, RN Nurse Injector
Kylee Starnes LE, SLT Aesthetician
Dr. Sherryl Shipes DO Doctor/Cosmetic Injector
Ginni Prince LE, PLT Aesthetician
Sonja Shannon MSN, RN, APRN, FNP-C Lead Nurse Practitioner & Director of Regulatory and Compliance
Floria Askari LE, PLT Nurse Injector
Tracy Weaver MSN, RN, APRN, FNPC Nurse Practitioner
Debbie Jay BSN, RN Nurse Injector