Can Testosterone Therapy Help You?
Millions of men aged 35 and older suffer from hormone deficiency, feeling fatigued and lacking energy. Hormone deficiencies also can cause Erectile Dysfunction, a condition that affects 52% of men age 40+. If you’ve lost the strength and vitality you used to have, hormonal changes may be to blame.
Testosterone is an essential hormone for men. As you age, your testosterone levels could decline as much as 20%-30%. Many symptoms of low testosterone include lower sex drive and energy levels, increased body fat, lower muscle mass, moodiness, reduced facial hair, hot flashes, and many more. Low testosterone can be caused by many health conditions such as low thyroid function, obesity, testicle injury, cancer, medication, and more. Testosterone testing can be done by a simple blood test or saliva test, once the root problem is identified, it can be treated and you’ll start feeling like yourself again!
Many medical service providers focus on treating the symptoms of an illness. They prescribe treatments that alleviate the symptoms but in many cases, the root cause of the symptoms is simply a hormone deficiency. Testosterone Therapy using bio-identical hormone replacement can help reduce the symptoms and help raise the levels of Testosterone.
So what is bio-identical hormone replacement? Bioidentical hormones are artificial hormones that are similar to the hormones produced by the human body. These hormones are processed hormones that mimic the hormones made in your body. Here at Total Med, we have many options to help with this such as pellets, injections, and creams. Hormone pellets are tiny pellets that are placed under the skin. Throughout the span of a few months, they release a specific measured amount of hormones, the amount is customized to your individual needs. Hormone injections are the most common delivery method, Injections are done through the upper thigh or buttocks. In these injections are specific dosages that are also customized to you. Lastly, Testosterone hormones is absorbed into the skin and can be applied in various areas such as the inner or upper arms or thighs, behind the knees, inner forearms, or back of the neck. The dosage is also customized to you.
A lack of testosterone can impact not only you but the people around you. It can lead to more severe medical problems like erectile dysfunction so it’s important to listen to your body and start treatment early. All three of these methods can help increase your testosterone levels and improve your day-to-day life. We offer free consultations, so schedule now!